7:1 Professional Model User Instructions
The Mel-8704R-EMT is a 7 in 1 Instrument packed with all the essential features to help promote
and advance paranormal research.
This Mel-Meter incorporates the
Laser, ATDD, SDD and REM functions all in one handheld meter. To turn these
functions on, simply lift the tilt stand on the back of the Mel-Meter where you
will find the power buttons for each function.
Note: Do not look directly into the
Once you have powered your selected
functions, you can activate the ATDD, SDD and REM adjustments by pressing the
correlating buttons on the right side of the Mel-Meter.
When the REM function is turned on, it will perform a quick
diagnostic test and then zero out. You can then utilize the EMT adjustments on
the right side of the meter. The EMT ZERO button is the baseline button while
the EMT RANGE button is for sensitivity and range detection adjustments. The
EMT RANGE has five increments for sensitivity adjustment which can make the
meter more or less sensitive depending on the circumstances and location in
which it is being used. The six LED lights on top of the meter will correlate
with the EMT RANGE sensitivity as follows:
Sensitivity Level #1 = 1 – 2 inches Purple
Sensitivity Level #2 = 2 – 3 inches Purple
and Red LEDs
Sensitivity Level #3 = 3 – 4 inches Purple,
Red & Blue LEDs
Sensitivity Level #4 = 4 – 5 inches Purple,
Red, Blue & Yellow LEDs
Level #5 = 5 - 6 inches Purple, Red, Blue,
Yellow & Green LEDs
In the highest sensitivity level, it is very
important that you hold the meter relatively low toward the battery compartment
to prevent possible mutual interference from your hand. If you hold the meter
low, your hand will not be near any circuitry, and the device will not detect
the energy in your hand. The REM circuit will also automatically zero or
baseline every 5–7 seconds. If you place the device on a conductive material
like metal, please allow this time interval to baseline, or you can perform a
manual baseline with the EMT ZERO button located on the right side of the
meter. The meter will detect anything that interrupts the EM field around the
antenna that is metal or conducts electricity. Also note that fluorescent
lights and handheld communication devices may affect the EMT function.
ATDD Function:
the ATDD function is turned on, you can utilize the ATDD adjustment on the
right side of the meter. Please note, the REM circuit
must also be on for the ATDD circuit to turn on. The ATDD
ZERO button is the baseline button. There is a bi-color
red/blue indicator light (ATDD TREND) located next to this button which will
show the 5 octave ascending tones for temperature increase and 5 octave
descending tones for temperature decrease. These tones correlate to a ±5 degree
temperature change. The Red LED light indicates a “+” temperature change and
the Blue LED light indicates a “-” temperature change. The thermistor located on
the top of the meter is indexed to the ATDD temperature circuit.
Please make sure to allow the ATDD temperature circuit
adequate time to adjust to the environmental temperature before use. Should
there be any gradual temperature drift, you can manually baseline the ATDD
temperature circuit by pressing the ATDD ZERO button located on the right side
of the meter. Also note that if the ATDD temperature increases or decreases
resulting in a constant tone for more than ten seconds, the tone will
automatically “mute” and the Red or Blue LED will remain illuminated. The tone
will resume if the temperature continues to rise or fall.
SDD Function:
the SDD function is turned on, the circuit will beep twice and then default to
the least sensitive detection range, sensitivity level #1. There are a total of
five sensitivity levels. You can then utilize the SDD RANGE adjustment on the
right side of the meter for sensitivity and range detection. Pressing the SDD RANGE button twice will increment the SDD
to different sensitivity levels.
The SDD Shadow Detector & LED Light
Illuminating Blocks
This sensory device has the capability of
detecting very small light / dark contrast changes. We provide two 9V LED light
blocks that can be used to create a through beam detection system. One light
block uses a 10mm LED for long range distance that can be used in a hallway,
stairwell or large room and one 5mm LED light block for short range distance that
can be used for smaller room spaces up to around 10' or so.
Mount the Mel Meter and position the
light block aiming toward the Mel’s SDD sensor. Adjust the SDD sensitivity until
you get the desired effect. You can walk between the LED light block and Mel Meter
to test the through beam setup. You can use this SDD separately, or in
conjunction with the Laser projector as the sensory system is very flexible. In
fact, you can even use a piece of retro-reflective tape stuck on a door handle
or object and shine the Mel Meter flashlight on the object. The light from the
flashlight will hit the object and return to the SDD sensor. If the object
moves the SDD will sound an alarm. More light received creates ascending tones
while less light received creates descending tones.
Important Note: The SDD performs a diagnostic test and recalibration every five
seconds. Thus, if the processor diagnostic & calibration routine falls
within the time of your test, it could momentarily reverse the tone pitch. This
will be automatically corrected during the next five second cycle.
Once you get a good feel for the way it operates, you can try different techniques
and play around with it a bit. To use the SDD as a diffuse reflective sensor,
adjust the sensitivity to Level # 4-5. Then turn on the Mel Meter flashlight.
Allow the detection circuit to stabilize with nothing in front of the Mel
Meter. Now move your hand in front of the Mel Meter through the flashlight
beam. The SDD will detect your hand up to a 4' distance. Be sure that you are in
complete darkness when you do this. To detect a self illuminating source, turn
the Mel flashlight OFF. Strike a match, use a lighter or turn on a
flashlight within the SDD field of view.
As always, adjust the sensitivity for best performance based on type of light
source, proximity or separation distance and individual application
circumstances. If you lose track of which sensitivity setting you have, simply
turn the SDD OFF then ON to reset back to sensitivity level #1. Also be aware
that stray light from windows, cars, moonlight, flashlights etc. can all
influence the SDD. The SDD Shadow
Detection Works with:
* RED or GREEN Laser Grid
* RED or GREEN Laser Pointer
* LED Flashlight
* The Mel Meter Flashlight can also be used as a diffuse reflective sensor up
to 5' away. This feature enables detection of reflective or solid objects that
pass in front of the Mel Meter. Or, turn the Mel flashlight OFF to detect self-illuminating
or glowing objects in the field of view.
The Laser Projector
This device will project a star or dot pattern on a wall. Close
proximity to the wall will create a tighter, high-density cluster of dots and
the further away you are will cause the dot pattern to disburse with larger
gaps between the dots. Focus of the dots is calibrated during assembly, however,
subtle adjustment can be made by the customer by gently turning the laser outer
The purpose of the laser is to enhance and make visible any
shadow anomaly that may pass through it. It is suggested that the Mel Meter be
mounted on a tripod or placed on a table and a camera be stationed and focused
on the laser area for capturing any evidence.